Le Verger Éditeur

Humaniste et rhénan depuis 1988

Ego, Ariel and I, followed by Oh! Bigdata


Published Monday 9 October 2017

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

«When I was finally freed, I had the impression to come back alive again. The last session came. A technician tapped me on the shoulder. All of myself was in the box, he said, pointing the computer that contained all my physical data.»

Ah! Digital wonders, automatic comfort and regulation!

What place will you give at human freedom and identity?

Author: Georges-Olivier-Châteaureynaud
He was born in Paris in 1947. Novelist, he won the Renaudot prize for la faculté des songes in 1982 and th Goncourt prize for shrot stories in 2005.

Genre: Literary Fiction

Number of pages: 64

Keywords: Fiction – freedom – identity - digital

Audience: Adult

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