Le Verger Éditeur

Humaniste et rhénan depuis 1988

Say your prayer, Shimon Lévy

Annette Fern

Published Tuesday 27 October 2015

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

On this day of Yom Kippur, the entire Jewish community of Strasbourg has gathered at the great synagogue. But Shimon Lévy, the hazàn, the brand new cantor with a magnificent voice, is not here. And for good reason: he was stabbed just before the celebration.

Adrien Blum, the vice-president of the community, guides the police commissioner Jean-Pierre Schweitzer, in charge of the investigation, to the synagogue. The two men will quickly become friends.
Say your prayer, Shimon Lévy is a thriller full of humor and twists and turns. We follow the footsteps of Commissioner Schweitzer in a year of rites, celebrations and life of the Jewish community in Strasbourg.

Author: Passionate about Yiddish, Annette Fern is the president of Le théâtre en l’Air. She mainly wrote plays (We are all Alsatian Jews, Me, my mother, Blum or Boutboul, Cabaret Singer, Cerf-Beer ...), sketches for the reviews of the Choucrouterie, as well as humorous short stories published in journals.

Genre: Fiction - Crime novel (Procedural)

Number of pages: 232

Keywords: Jewish community – Jewish celebrations – Strasbourg

Audience: Adult

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